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I Want to Be...

Ada Cerpen nih... ^^
Kemarin Mbak Nad request, katanya suruh buatin cerpen bahasa Inggris. Yaudah, aku buatin deh, tapi maaf ya mbak, lama buatnya ^^
Yang lain juga boleh ambil kok, tapi ijin trus credit yah ... ^^

                                                    I Want To Be….. 

My sweet heart, Listen to me. You are a very smart girl. When you grow up, be a doctor, then, you will have a lot of money, and you can buy the toys you wanted to buy.
My Sweet heart, listen to me. You are a very brave girl. When you grown up, be a lawyer. Then, people, will know you as a wonderful woman, that always bring the truth for them.
My Sweet heart, listen to me. You are a genius. When you grow up, be a scientist. Then, you will discover a new thing, that makes people amazed.
“No daddy, I don’t want to be a doctor. I want be a strong fort. So I can protect you from a lot of problems, “
“No daddy, I don’t want do be a Lawyer, I want to be a super hero, so that I can save you from the enemies, “
“No daddy, I don’t want to be a scientist, I only want to be a wind, so that I can take you to the beautiful place you want, “
“I want to be your little daughter forever, “ 

Simple sih, tapi itu 100% buatanku.
Thx for reading... ><

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Blogger haniya_allenaintan mengatakan...

cool story,love it

Blogger nabila hanna mengatakan...

Thank You.. :3


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